Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 19: Okay.... My Bad...

Okay, so I'm not perfect. I'll be the first to cop to that one! Last week my right robo-knee (the one I had a total knee replacement on six months ago) swelled up and yeah, it hurt. So I took a few days to rest and ice it. I tried to do upper body exercises, but that just didn't work out.

Then this week I was bummed out because 1) I hadn't exercised for a week and 2) my hair looked atrocious. I always thought my hair was my best feature, so whenever I let it go it really wigs me out (no pun intended). And, although I love my hairdresser that I've been going to for about the last 15 years, I just end up with the same haircut and color and I wanted to mix it up a little this time. 

I googled hairdressers in my town and went to their websites. I was drawn to one that was owned by a hairdresser who had worked for many years in the Monterey/Carmel, California area, and since I lived for many years just north of there, I decided I'd give him a try. 

And I'm glad I did because I got a great haircut on Wednesday and today (Friday) I went in for a color. I had this idea that I would let my gray hair grow out and just be gray. When I had a regrowth of about an inch and half, I held my hands over the dyed brown ends and looked at myself with gray hair. It took about 30 seconds for me to dive across my bed and dial the phone to make an appointment to get my hair dyed. 

Anyway, long story short, I'm beautifully coiffed and ecstatic with my new haircut and chocolate warm brown hair with golden highlights. Ahhhhh, now I don't feel 56 years old. I feel more like a 54 year old! Hair mission accomplished.

Now it's time to get back up on that big old exercise horse down at the YMCA and work up a sweat. Maybe after I lose a few pounds I'll feel like a 53 year old! 



1 comment:

  1. Hello Betsy,
    I don't have an excuse for not going to the Y this week. I have missed an entire week. I guess you could say I fell off the exercise wagon. I feel horrible. I will be back at the Y on Monday Morning. I will look for you and your new Hair do!
